Selecting the right Fortigate Firewall is important for protecting your business network against cyber threats. Solution: Deploy a Fortigate Firewall with some of the below features will safe guard your data and ensures secure network traffic, We will take you through the fundamentals of what to look for when choosing the perfect Fortigate Firewall for your company in this blog.

What is a Firewall?

Well, a simple definition of Firewall could be a security system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private computer network. It serves as a shield that sits between your local network and external hazards, ruling out unapproved users and traffic from accessing your network.

Why Your Business Needs a Firewall

But first, lets answer the question as to why all businesses need a firewall. To counter cyberattacks, you have to have a firewall in place:

Prevent Data Breaches: A firewall protects against unauthorized access, keeping your valuable business data secure.

Control Network Traffic: Simply put, it screens incoming traffic for not only the IP but also leaving out all foreigners from entering.

Protect Remote Workers: With the increase in remoter workers, a firewall allows the remote worker to access company assets securely.

Types of Firewalls

There are different kinds of firewalls available in the market. They all come with different features, so the one you go for will depend on what your business needs to achieve.

1. Hardware Firewalls

These are in-the-flesh gadgets that sit between your network and the internet. If you are a business with your network accessed via several devices or need a stronger security measure, hardware firewalls would suit you fine. They provide very good protection, however, they are more expensive.

2. Software Firewalls

Software Firewalls: language only installed on your computer or server. They are simpler to set up and manage, but more maintenance can be necessary. Well, it is best for small businesses that have only 3-4 devices.

3. Cloud-Based Firewalls

Cloud firewalls, like Firewall-as-a-Service (FaaS), live in the cloud and defend your network off-premises. Ideal for businesses with numerous branches or those that use cloud-based services They scale & are generally cheaper than other sites when the business grows.

4. Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFW)

Next-generation firewalls take traditional firewall capabilities and add on additional features such as application control, intrusion prevention, and deep packet inspection. A great fit for businesses with more sophisticated security needs, NGFWs provide a greater degree of protection.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Firewall

There are a few basic requirements you must consider when choosing the best firewall for your workplace.

1. Business Size and Growth Potential

When selecting a firewall, it is crucial to consider the size of your business and its potential growth. For example, a small business might require only a software firewall while larger enterprises with different branches or for that matter, remote working employees can maybe be served best by the hardware of cloud-based firewall.

2. Budget

How much Costs a Firewall? Of course, security must not be sacrificed for your budget. Calculate the cost of installation, maintenance and updates.

3. Network Complexity

If the network of your business is simple enough, you may get by with having a basic one. If you have many servers, devices or multiple locations, think about using an additional, more advanced firewall (such as a next-generation firewall) to use in conjunction with the router for more complete protection.

4. Ease of Management

Other times you will only need to update things once in a while, and some firewalls can just be set up and left to run uninterrupted for months on end. For those businesses that do not have their own IT department, choose an easier to manage firewall or outsource the management of the firewall.

5. Security Features

Ensure that it has the security features that you are seeking Malware shield, phishing protection and ransomware? Can you do intrusion detection and prevention? Check whether the firewall provides the needed security for your business.


To protect your data and network, it is important to choose the perfect business firewall. It is basically depends on the size of your business, you budget, how complex your network is, what type of security do you need in fact and so on for choosing the firewall that can best protect. That little firewall investment saves you large costs of future cyberattacks and dataloss.

Q: How do I know if my business needs a firewall?

A firewall is absolutely essential for every business that uses the internet or has a network, and must be installed in order to avoid network security problems due to unauthorized access, compromised systems, and risk from virtual threats.

Q: Are software firewalls enough for a small business?

Some small businesses may get away with software firewall only. But for anything that deals with sensitive data, or any outfit with several devices running through it, a hardware or cloud-based model is the right way to go.

Q: Can I manage a firewall without an IT team?

Firewalls are difficult to set up and manage, but some are easier than others. Firewalls with simple management tools are available; if you do not have a large IT team in house, stay away from firewalls that require additional security specialist.

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